Immune system article #3

Let’s continue talking about our immune system!
We have already clarified in my previous post that this mainly means our intestinal and digestive systems.

“Death dwells in the intestines…”


This basic truth is often referred to by naturopaths, but usually this way: “Life dwells in the intestines”!
My medical teachers taught me that most chronic diseases can be cured with diet. I would add, that this is true, but in practice it is a little more complicated because without a mental practice and a treatment of consciousness it is not effective enough on its own.
Interesting information!
After the Second World War, a general health survey was conducted among the population in London and St. Petersburg among others. People were never as healthy as they were in those days. The low refined sugar, low fatty foods and low animal protein consumption and the fact that they ate less, created this blessed effect that there were hardly any chronic diseases (eg.: cancer).

First of all, we already know that diet is very important… but it raises a lot of questions.

What kind of diet?

There are so many but are often too extreme and confusing. A common problem when we have multiple ailments that have multiple diets that contradict each other.

Which one should I follow?

It is my opinion, that in serious cases we should definitely consult a specialist, a dietitian. They can give professional advice tailored to the illness: type of work, lifestyle and physique.
If the situation is not so severe, then my motto is to eat less, because it is characteristic that we overeat ourselves in our great prosperity. So at least we ingest less “bad” because let’s face it, it’s hard nowadays to get good quality food. I could write a very long chapter about the many junk foods, frozen foods and ready meals (TV dinners). Most products are full of preservatives, additives, dyes, conditioners, sugar (or worse: sugar supplements), etc. Who knows where many healthy-looking vegetables & fruits come from, what were they sprayed with, how it was chemically treated, picked green, perhaps ripened artificially. All of a sudden it doesn’t even seem like a good idea to eat…
Due to mass breeding & antibiotics dairy & meat products coming out of industrial productions of tortured animals doesn’t seem like a very good choice either.
Genetically modified and cross bred grains that are resistant to everything but attack humans with their aggressive proteins (almost everyone is intolerant to gluten).
Lectin, which is also found in many vegetables (thus protecting the plant itself), also causes intolerance (inflammation) in many people.
Almost everything is harmful and I wouldn’t put my hand in fire for “bio” foods either; not to mention the fact that gutted, weed-infested lands are no longer able to provide us with as nutritious food as it used to. (the microbiota of industrial scale farmland are dying).
Nutritionists are also bombarded with conflicting information. There are pros and cons to and against everything. Trends come & go then some turned out not to have been good after all.

So what now? What do we eat?
Return to the logic of common sense!

Some basic rules: if we cleanse and strive to regenerate the intestinal tract to eliminate inflammatory processes then we should avoid refined sugar carbohydrates, gluten-containing foods and tread carefully with dairy products.

  • Eat less but good quality meat (no cold cuts, deli meats).
  • Do not consume or strive for minimal intake of: coffee, alcohol, black tea & chocolate.
  • Avoid completely: sugary soft drinks, manufactured biscuits & cookies, frozen ready-made foods (containing preservatives and other bad additives).

What do we eat & drink?

  • Let’s eat good quality salt! eg.: Himalayan or pure sodium chloride from the pharmacy.
  • Pure high-quality biogenic water (slightly alkaline) (I will write more about this later) Herbal, green and fruit teas, real juices.
  • Good quality wine (after a cleansing treatment). It has a particularly good physiological effect when consumed in moderation.
  • I recommend the slow rise (72 hours) sourdough bread. It is best to mix white flour with spelt wheat. (contains little gluten because it breaks down most into amino acids)
  • Don’t eat whole grain! (the hull stores the seed’s/plant’s toxins in the shell)
  • Vegetable based milks: almond, coconut, hemp, etc. (not soy milk!)
  • Cheeses: after cleansing preferably goat and/or sheep cheese.

Eat everything in moderation and keep it varied!

  • It can be white rice, quinoa, porridge, potatoes baked or cooked.
  • If you crave sweets: eat dried fruit, seeds or quality high-cocoa content dark chocolate (hard to eat a lot of it)

With these basic considerations in mind, choose the diet that is closest to you, and after trying it, it should live up to your expectations.


Katie from Prana Healing is a Naturopath, Tibetan-Reiki Grand Master and Reflexologist with over 10 years of healing experience. Find out more on her website: