Immune system article #1

Some basic concepts that have become the defining themes of today, need to be clarified!

What is an epidemic? An epidemic is an increased mass incidence of an infectious disease in a relatively short period of time.

It is a question of true or manipulated statistics… so we shall not be concerned with it…

The point of an epidemic is 3 factors:

– Source of infection

– Possibility of transmission

– Susceptibility of the person to the infection – This factor is our priority! This is us; this is what we can deal with it; this is what we can influence!

If one of the 3 factors is missing then the epidemic cannot occur!!!

Pasteur also realized that Béchamp was right, “The microbe is nothing, the medium is everything!” (pleomorphic theory of disease) According to Naturopaths the spirit is everything!

What does this mean? – If we, humans have a healthy defense system, immune system, we cannot be victims of any harmful microbes, viruses or bacteria.

Don’t get me wrong. Our world, our environment has always been full, is and will be full of microbes, viruses, bacteria, etc.…

We have to live with these in symbiosis, in balance. Many of them are useful to us and even essential to the functioning of our lives.

Trouble starts when the balance is upset, causing them to multiply too much or just die (eg intestinal bacteria)

The point is harmony; immune balance!

What is upsetting this balance? – First and foremost: everything that “stresses” the body.

These can be detrimental environmental effects (e.g. air pollution, radiation, electro smog, wifi, 5G); extreme life conditions (war, hunger, lack of water or most of the present overeating and overeating and the resulting chronic diseases); unhealthy lifestyle: anything that is exaggerated (work mania, smoking, drugs, excessive alcohol consumption, drug addiction, lack of rest, inadequate exercise, little exercise or excessive physical exertion, etc. I can keep listing, but the most important is ALL THE NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL and/or CONSCIOUS effect such as FEAR!! But anger, hate, guilt, envy also severely destroy the immune system with their negative energetic effects.

Scientists have found that after a shocking, stressful situation, the immune system stops functioning for about 48 hours. It will be very weak. So in this case, the body loses its resistance and can even be attacked by an otherwise harmless pathogen.

I have noticed, for example, how much stress can be on the body during a longer strenuous flight, which can be 15-25 hours, in an almost seated motionless position, dehydrated, further effected with transits between flights. Arriving in another climate, time zone, plus encountering new microbes, often causes herpes (cold sores), cold or other unpleasant symptoms. Does this mean that we get infected by herpes? Almost all of us have the herpes virus inside of us at all times, but the immune supresses it (its symptoms). When the immune balance is off the symptoms will appear.

Grief, sadness, depression also weaken the immune system. It can be observed that in such cases we can easily become ill on a physical level as well.

What happens today? Hear nothing else but negative, shocking news in the media. Continuing to maintain fear goes on a daily basis! They don’t know that people can get sick from this?… or do they really know?!?

Some good advice: watch TV & listen to the news as little as possible; because it will destroy your protection system with its negativity!

What’s the point? Know what’s going on with you, how the world works and the human body in it! Know how you can influence this process! Then the fear goes away because you are in control and you can take control of your own health.

Back to the point! What is the immune system, how does it work? Where can it be found? How can it be strengthened? How can it be harmonized, because often the problem is that it is overworked. (these are autoimmune diseases, a popular disease of our time)

I will write about this on my next post…


Katie from Prana Healing is a Naturopath, Tibetan-Reiki Grand Master and Reflexologist with over 10 years of healing experience.

Find out more on her website: